Organic Fruits & Vegetables

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    Buy Organic Fruits and Vegetables Online

    Organic food is produced by farmers who wish to protect the environment for future generations. These crops are grown, handled and processed without synthetic fertilizers, pesticides or herbicides; artificial ingredients or preservatives. If the product is labeled 100 percent organic, it doesn’t contain genetically engineered ingredients. Organic fruits and organic vegetables have about one-third the residues of conventionally grown foods. The levels of pesticide are much lower in these foods as compared to conventional foods available. Many pesticides are carcinogenic. Some contaminants in commercial pesticide formulations also pose a carcinogenic risk. Eating organic food can be a precautionary approach to reduce pesticide exposure. So, here we offer you at Bigbasket, fresh organic fruits online. Foods grown in rich organic soil have a higher nutrient profile than ones jacked up on chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Organic fruits are the best food for you. These fruits satisfy your palette, reduce your stress and enhance your lifestyle. Don’t eat chemicals rather go for something which lets you stay the way you are. Advantages of organic foods can be achieved with the introduction of a few of the biodegradable things in the kitchen such as raw fruits, vegetables, eggshells, coffee grounds & the filter, newspaper, non-glossy cardboard, paper towels, leaves brown for carbon and green for the nitrogen-rich plant, and flower clippings. Yard waste which proves to be beneficial for the growth of organic plants. Environmental benefits are more established giving organic vegetables. Agriculture that relies on organic methods helps prevent soil erosion, protects groundwater and preserves wildlife. Fruits which you should preferably buy organic, as they are known to have high amount of pesticides residue in normal ones, are organic banana, organic apples, organic grapes, organic strawberries, and organic peaches. Also, go for organic vegetables such as organic tomatoes, organic spinach, organic bell peppers, organic cucumber, organic celery, organic green beans, organic potatoes as well. Non-vegetarians can also consider organic meat. Animals actually accumulate more residues, especially in their fat which is exactly why you should prefer organic meat. Although there is no harm in consuming non-organic low residue foods which include asparagus, avocados, bananas, broccoli, cauliflower, sweet corn, mangoes, onions, papaya, pineapple, sweet peas. Modern agricultural methods and the liberal use of pesticides is upsetting the ecological balance and creating major problems. For example, the decimation of bird populations led to the banning of DDT. Research says that there is a link between pesticide use and cancer risk. Opt for organic alternatives whenever possible and good thing is that there is increasing availability of organic foods. Benefits of organic foods include: organic foods are more nutritious, one won't be ingesting chemicals, these foods even contribute to protecting the environment, organic foods contain no GMOs (genetically modified organisms). Apart from all these benefits, with organic animal products, you avoid eating any antibiotics and growth hormones. A high demand for organic food items is what motivates us to provide our customers with the best quality of organic food items that are quite rare to be found in any offline stores. At the same time, we’re providing you with great discounts on buying these foods. So, what are you even waiting for? Select the ones of your liking and add them to your cart right away.

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