Powder Detergents, no matter how expensive they are, contain ' Soda'. Soda is corrosive and robs off your favourite woollens of colour and style. Choose new Godrej Ezee, specialist liquid detergent with a 'Zero Soda' formula that cleans gently. It has also been approved by Woolmark Company for washing of woollen apparel. Not to forget the in-built fabric conditioner system that leaves your woollens with a pleasant fragrance- every time.
Experience a never -before freshness with the dash of Lime. Lime, known for its invigoration properties, has been combined with the gentleness of Aloe Vera, which retains the skin's moisture to keep it soft. The combination of these ingredients leaves your skin feeling fresh and soft.
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Godrej Ezee Detergent Liquid 1 kg + Bath...