The unique flavour of Khus, Acts as a thirst quencher, Nutritious & Healthy Drink, known for its cooling properties, Gives relief from acidity & scorching heat, Purifier Blood & Improve skin tone, Relieves from stress & dehydration, Helps in improving urine excretion. Popular for its pleasant and enriching health drinks, natural soft drinks and sharbats, Guruji Products Pvt. Ltd. has conquered the market with a global reputation owing to its inherent capabilities to put on offer unique and well-researched quality products.
Typical value per 100 ml
1 Glass= Sharbat 20% + Chilled Water 60% + Crushed Ice 20%, mocktails, sharbat, milkshake, ice ball, topping, puddings, dessert, ice cream, curd or lassi.
Guruji Sharbat - Khus, 750 ml ...