It all started in Dec 2013 with my search of quality nutrition products which can provide me with my daily requirements of Proteins and Vitamins. All fitness enthusiasts will agree with me that your daily dose of Vitamins and Supplements is as important as your exercise. And if there is a break in any of the two, it disturbs your rhythm. This was the stimulus for me to start “Natures Velvet Lifecare” in Nov 2014, to meet the Health and Nutrition products requirement of fitness lovers.
*Nature’s Velvet Papaya Leaf Extract contain important nutrients such as vitamins A, B1, C and E, protein, carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, and iron. Papaya leaf also has an important enzyme called papain that aids in digestion by breaking down the proteins naturally, prevent constipation and clean the colon. Papaya leaf has been found to possess anti-malarial and anti-viral properties as well. Improves platelet count. Is anti viral. Useful in dengue.