EAN Code: 40122602
Manufactured by: The Barn No.97, Sendamangalam Village, Chennai - Bangalore High way, Sunguvachatram, Sriperambattur(TK), Kancheepuram(DT) - 602106 Marketed By:THE BARN, BARN HOUSE, NEW .12, OLD NO.65) GANDHI SALAI, PALAVANTHANGAL, CHENNAI -600061
Country of origin: India
FSSAI Number :
Best before 13-05-2025
For Queries/Feedback/Complaints, Contact our Customer Care Executive at: Phone: 1860 123 1000 | Address: Innovative Retail Concepts Private Limited, Ranka Junction 4th Floor, Tin Factory bus stop. KR Puram, Bangalore - 560016 Email:customerservice@bigbasket.com
Country of origin: India