Areca Tea is made using processed, naturally grown Areca Nuts. A patented processing method is used to extract active molecules from the Areca nut and is converted into a hot beverage. Areca Tea is known for its health benefits as it is helpful for health issues like Acidity, Gastritis, Cholesterol and is also proven beneficial for Diabetic people. Areca Tea is naturally sweet to taste and rich in Anti-Oxidants, Proline and natural anti-ageing molecules, which are only present in Areca Nuts. For best results, drink two cups of Areca tea for two months, as an after-meal drink. Thousands of customers have already got its benefits and are happy with it. Areca Tea is individually converted into single-Serve Dip Tea Bags, Each Tea Bag is packed individually to maintain the quality.
Processed Areca Nut Extract, Methika, Tulasi, Mandukaparni
Areca Tea
Areca Tea 100% Natural Tea - Ginger Flav...