Tear into a can of the meanest energy drink on the planet, the new Monster Ultra Energy. It's the ideal combo of the right ingredients, in the right proportion, to deliver a big bad buzz and now even more than only the new Monster can. Monster Ultra packs a powerful punch but has a smooth, easy flavour that you can't really pound down! It is a zero-calorie energy drink to impress you because we know how impossible you are to please. It contains B Vitamins and Taurine to pump and charge you up anytime and give a full load of Monster energy blend. Athletes, musicians, anarchists, students, road warriors, metalheads, geeks, hipsters, and bikers dig it – you will too! Unleash the Beast with Ultra Monster! Note: Energy drinks must be consumed responsibly. It is not recommended for children, people sensitive to caffeine, pregnant women or women who are nursing.
Nutritional facts per 100 ml
Monster Ultra Energy Drink - Zero Sugar,...