Loban Gomay Dhoop Cup is used in worshipping all Gods and Goddesses. It is the best energy purifier in the atmosphere. It will remove all negative vibes and energy from around you. It is pure, clean and pleasing for cleansing whether you wish to clear a room or simply for cleansing your atmosphere.
Using of Loban Gomay Dhoop Cup has a spiritual and customary secret in India to elevate the energy level. It also works as a natural pest repulsive and helps in uplifting inspiration and creativity. If we daily burn Loban Gomay Dhoop Cup and sit in front of it and inhales its fragrance, it can help in enhancing the memory power.
Cow Dung, Loban And Natural Herbs.
Light the upper side rim of the cup over the fire.
Kamdhenu Sai Dhuni Loban Gomay Dhoop Cup...