Nattfru Vegetable Juice Powder is a Vegetable no sugar made from the pulp of the Vegetables like Carrot, Beetroot, Amla and Tomato. It is considered as one of the best beverage to drink after workout for weight loss. It helps to flushes out toxins from the body, that is, helps in Detox. Drinking a glass of Freshly made Vegetable Juice is the perfect way to soothe your hunger pangs. Also, fills your body with nutrients and minerals in a short period of time.
This powder is easy to drink, 100% Natural with No Preservatives & No Sugar. The easiest way to drink Vegetable Juice, giving you a relief from the long procedure of extracting juice from the pulp of the fruit. One of the best nutritional addition to your diet.
Nattfru Nattfru vegetable-juice-powder-r...