Hair flix-Pro is a dietary supplement for hair. It supplies hair with fortifying substances like Biotin, brewer's yeast and calcium pantothenate (CYP). It improves the hair structure, strengthens the hair, and increases the resistance of the hair to mechanical and chemical damage and damage caused by sunlight.
Who should use it ? Hair Flix-Pro should be used by individuals who have:
· Hair loss o Telogen effluvium o Diffuse hair loss o Androgenetic alopecia o Hair loss due to changes in the hair structure (stressed, thin, inelastic, brittle, lifeless, dull and colourless hair)
· Hair damaged by sunlight
· Greying of the hair Benefits · Antifungal, anti-bacterial properties Fights dandruff · Helps nourish scalp and strengthens hair follicle.
· Prevents hair loss and balding.
· Helps re-grow lost hair.
· Prevents grey hair.
There will be 60 capsules in one bottle and the recommended dosage of Hair flix-Pro is 2 capsules per day 30 mins after breakfast and dinner or as suggested by a health consultant.
Herbal max
Herbal max HairFlix Pro Hair Care Capsul...