cookbook image


cookbook image


Ema Datshi

  • 2
  • 13
  • 5min
  • 25min

Tibetan soup made with chilli peppers and cheese



Cooking Steps


Step 1 :

Put all the ingredients except butter and cheese in a heavy bottom soup pan or kadai. Mix them properly.

Step 2 :

Add water to the above mixture of vegetables, salt and oil.

Step 3 :

Put the pan or kadai on the stove and let it boil.

Step 4 :

Then lower the heat and let it simmer. Cover it for 15-20 mins or till the peppers are a bit done.

Step 5 :

Turn off the stove and add the butter and cheese.

Step 6 :

Let it stand covered for 2 mins till the butter and cheese melts.

Step 7 :

Stir everything together and serve hot with a side of steaming red rice in a bowl.

Shop Ingredients

Ema Datshi

  • Serving is calculated as per the quantity mentioned in the recipe.
  • Increase in servings might impact the cooking time. Please refer to the recipe for serving and time to cook details.

You probably already have these...

  • Serving is calculated as per the quantity mentioned in the recipe.
  • Increase in servings might impact the cooking time. Please refer to the recipe for serving and time to cook details.

You probably already have these...

  • Serving is calculated as per the quantity mentioned in the recipe.
  • Increase in servings might impact the cooking time. Please refer to the recipe for serving and time to cook details.

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