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Laksa Curry

  • 4
  • 19
  • 20min
  • 25min

Laksa Curry is a popular Malaysian soup made using rice noodles, vegetables and a spicy coconut milk curry. This aromatic Vegetarian Curry Laksa is a one-pot meal, which combines fresh vegetables with a spicy coconut milk curry and makes a perfect dish for weeknight dinners.


Ingredients for Laksa Curry

Ingredients for Laksa Paste

Cooking Steps

For Serving

Step 1 :

Place some noodles in a bowl. Ladle the laksa curry soup over it and serve hot for a delicious weeknight dinner.

Cooking Steps for Laksa Curry

Step 1 :

To begin grind all the ingredients under Laksa paste in a mixer grinder. Heat teaspoon oil in a large wok. Add the Laksa paste and fry for 2 to 3 minutes, stirring continuously.

Step 2 :

Add the chopped garlic, onion bulbs and saute for a minute. Add the vegetables and stir-fry on high heat until power cooked. Add the tofu, coconut milk, soy sauce and 2 cups water and oat. Bring the curry to a boil.

Step 3 :

Once done, check the seasonings and adjust according to taste. Once done, turn off the heat and stir in the chopped coriander leaves, lemon juice and stir.

Step 4 :

Meanwhile cook the noodles as per packet instructions. Rinse in cold water and keep aside.

Shop Ingredients

Laksa Curry

  • Serving is calculated as per the quantity mentioned in the recipe.
  • Increase in servings might impact the cooking time. Please refer to the recipe for serving and time to cook details.

You probably already have these...

  • Serving is calculated as per the quantity mentioned in the recipe.
  • Increase in servings might impact the cooking time. Please refer to the recipe for serving and time to cook details.

You probably already have these...

  • Serving is calculated as per the quantity mentioned in the recipe.
  • Increase in servings might impact the cooking time. Please refer to the recipe for serving and time to cook details.

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